National Scrollathon
Jule Collins Smith
Museum of Fine Art at
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama 2024

Collaboration with 450 participants


Made for More, 2024, fiber, metal, glue, painted wood frame, 96 x 96 x 1 inches

Steven and William Ladd were proud to launch the National Scrollathon at the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art at Auburn University in 2024, an engagement that endures as Alabama’s contribution to America’s 2026 Semiquincentennial and its goal of telling our story through the collaborative creation and presentation of world-class art.

From March 11-15, 2024, over 450 Community Artists from Alabama participated in sessions where they created individual artworks kept as personal artifacts, contributed to a Collaborative Masterwork, and had individual photographic portraits created. The five days concluded with a celebration of the Collaborative Masterwork, Made for More, which was installed at the Museum along with a Portrait Mural and Signature Plate showcasing each participant. Additionally, a series of storytelling videos of participants was recorded.

The catalyst for Scrollathon was artist-brothers Steven and William Ladd’s belief in the creative capacity of every human being and in the magnified power of community. Partnering with hundreds of stakeholders and institutions, Scrollathon has reached thousands of people since 2006. The National Scrollathon is a nationwide initiative offering meaningful engagement to people of diverse ages, backgrounds, and abilities through the creation and presentation of monumental Collaborative Masterworks of art from all 50 states, Washington, D.C., 5 U.S. territories, and Native Community Regional Centers—all in celebration of America’s 250th Birthday in 2026.

Portrait Mural of 450 participants, National Scrollathon, Auburn, AL

Community Groups
​​Alabama Community
Alabama Connections Academy
Auburn First Baptist Church
Auburn University Gymnastics Team
Auburn University Korea Center,
King Sejong Institute
Boykin Senior Center
Boys and Girls Club of East Alabama
Boys and Girls Club of the
Poarch Band of Creek Indians
BraveHeart Center for Place and Purpose
Center for Educational Outreach & Engagement
East Samford School
Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art
Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts
Our House
REACH Community Respite
Studio 5 Art History Association
The Beta Xi Chapter of Delta Zeta Sorority
Tuskegee University


Signature Plate of 450 participants, National Scrollathon, Auburn, AL, archival paper, ink